
Happy Birthday Murphy & Raven!...?

I live with two wild wildebeests who just happen to be celebrating their 3rd birthday today! You're probably wondering what the question mark is for in the title huh? My husband Tim and I got Murphy and Raven both in June 2005 while we were living Tacoma, WA. Murphy is a purebred scottish-terrier and he came with papers noting his birthdate. Raven however is a lab/golden retriever mix and she didn't have any papers. We were told that she was around 8 weeks old (same age as Murphy) when we took her home, so we celebrate their birthdays together! :)

I don't know what we would do without these little lovebugs. They drive us utterly insane one minute and melt our hearts the next. They're inseparable from each other and have been that way since we brought them home. It's funny that I originally wanted a small dog and my husband wanted a big one. Once we got to know their personalities, we pretty much switched. Raven is a true dog and she constantly wants attention. Murphy however is like a cat and does his own thing. We wouldn't have them any other way! Happy Birthday my little lovebugs!

(Raven looks so small in the picture below. She's really not that tiny (~65 lbs). It's just the angle I shot her at!)

Treats are the trick to getting them to look somewhat at the camera.

We're celebrating with cupcakes and a movie tonight. Don't worry the dogs are not getting any of this chocolate! They're getting special dog treats and some extra play time! :)

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About Lisette

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Clarksville, TN, United States
Wedding, Senior, and Lifestyle Photographer