
Fort Benning Concert

Fort Benning MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation) hosted a soldier and family appreciation day this past weekend with free food, games, giveaways, and concerts. When Tim told me the line-up I had to go! Miranda Lambert, who is one of my favorite country singers, was the headliner. I last saw her in concert in July 2006 at the Grey, Tennessee fair. I thought she was an awesome performer then, but she's so much better now! She put on an amazing show, even throwing her pink guitar (with someone off-stage catching it of course!) and then slung her microphone stand across the stage. Eve 6 and Kimberley Locke
(American Idol Season 2 finalist) also performed. Eve 6 really knew how to pump up the crowd and Kimberly had an amazing voice!

Eve 6

Kimberley Locke

Miranda Lambert

This is Megan and me with a cowboy on stilts. I went up to him and poked him in the leg to ask him to take a photo with us. He called me out on it saying "Did you just poke me in the leg??" It was really funny hence the big smiles on our faces and the guy in the background laughing! Tim took this one by the way.


shelley said...

beautiful pics! :) i love the ones of miranda!

Amanda Suanne said...

Ahhh how lucky! I love Miranda Lambert!! Looks like you guys had a blast and great shots!

Trista Dotson said...

Wow! They are great pics! I love Miranda Lambert, I would love to see her in concert! Love you guys!

Amanda said...

Awesome pics! I love all 3 performers. Looks like they were some pretty good shows! :)

Kayla Marie said...

your concert shots are amazing!
man, i can't wait to be doing stuff like this one day :)

Jess said...

Ran is fantastic!!!! Great pics!!! :)


Over the Moon Custom Design said...

Wow Lisette! What great photos! You must've been right up front! Those performers should be paying you for photos like that! You rock!

Unknown said...

Awesome pics!!! Miranda is the best!

Tiffany Izatt said...

awesome shots! looks like a lot of fun!

Lisette Price Photography said...

Thanks everyone! I was at the front of the stage and I had a zoom lens on. :) It really was a lot of fun!

About Lisette

My photo
Clarksville, TN, United States
Wedding, Senior, and Lifestyle Photographer